Helen Osticco Jaffa / Pittston Penna

Joe came to my first wedding, a good friend of my dad. Joe was a lovely person. My wedding gift from Joe was my honeymoon in Florida, as well as the most magnificent meal at Joe’s Stone Crab. I will never forget it. Joe is in my prayers each day now and...

Elizabeth Taintor / Miami

We have been going to Joe’s since 1968 when our kids were young around 3/6. When asked their favorite place to eat most kids said McDonald’s, ours always said Joe’s. That was good until they started wanting their own order of stone crabs and did not want...

Nan Spiegel / Cutler Bay

New Years without Joe’s Stone Crab would not be New Years. I can’t remember, but I think I have ordered for the last 20 or so years. I wanted to celebrate New Years. The best way to do this  was to make sure I had Joe’s stone crab claws to eat...

Daisy Berman / Miami

My best memory was when my co workers exchanged Secret Santa gifts and I gave each a $20 gift card to Joe’s. They have lived in Miami most of their lives, but never been to Joe’s. We agreed to go together to Joe’s during lunch. They were all impressed by the service...

Susan Vosko / Katonah, NY

When we were dating, my husband and I had our first vacation together in Miami and I introduced him to stone crabs at Joe’s. Every year after that, we would order stone crabs from Joe’s to be shipped to us for New Year’s Eve and would look forward to...
Erica Timmons / Miami, FL

Erica Timmons / Miami, FL

Ever since my parents divorced, we’ve always gotten together as a blended family at Joe’s for our Festivus Pre-Christmas celebrations on December 23rd. It is something we all look forward to every year as it is difficult for us to all get together since...