DeBorah Monticue

My first memory of Joe’s Stone Crab was working for Eastern Airlines as a flight attendant. I was flying  a trip from San Juan to Miami and the flight crew had a layover. Our stop for dinner that night was Joe’s Stone Crab. That was back in 1974; I...

Annjeanette Bernstein / Denver, CO

Joe’s is such a special place. My husband and I went to Joe’s for the first time right before we left on our wedding cruise. That was the beginning of our love affair with Joe’s. Since that time we’ve ordered stone crabs from them every Valentine’s Day. Each time we...

Fran-Jolie / Miami

My favorite restaurant by far is Joe’s. It was such a treat when my boyfriend surprised me for my birthday and brought me here. Everything was perfect. The service. The food. And the company was exceptional. I hope we can make Joe’s a birthday tradition.

Mr. Paul Montuori / New York

The stone crabs are sublime, and there’s nothing better than the key lime, but we always come back for the…Bones!
Michelle Shapiro / Miami

Michelle Shapiro / Miami

Once we get to Joe’s, we sit down and the waiter takes our order. As our appetizers come to the table, I grab my share of the food and Jason takes it away from me as soon as it hits my plate. I look at him like “what are you doing?” And he goes, “you don’t want that!”...