Cindi Graf Roberts / Pawlet, Vermont
When I was in college, I remember calling Say and asking him to get me a Stone Crab for my friend’s lesson. He got one and her lesson was a success. Later I learned he had to get special permission to take a whole stone crab because you were only suppose to take one claw. He acted like it was no big deal!
Pat LoPresti Morahan / NYC and New Brunswick, NJ
The first time I went to Joe’s was in January 1998 when we first moved to Miami; it was an experience. I love the electricity of being there, the food, and the people. We have taken so many of our friends and family members over the years and everyone has always had a wonderful experience. We now live in central Florida and try to get to Joe’s at least once a year, if not we have it shipped. The stone crabs are always great, but we miss the experience of being there. Congratulations on 106 years! See you soon.

Jenny Martin / Boca Raton
My husband and I are Florida natives, both raised with wonderful memories visiting Joe’s Stone Crab on Miami Beach. When we met, we knew a destination wedding was our dream. In December of 2007, Gabriel and I had a beautiful and fun wedding in the great city of Las Vegas, Nevada. We chose the private room at Joe’s Stonecrab in Caesar’s Palace to host our family & friends for an unforgettable wedding reception. The food goes down as the best wedding meal any of our guests have ever had. Stone crabs for all to celebrate a wedded union. We brought some of our South Florida roots to Vegas that night, and Joe’s was the absolute perfect venue to party the night away.
Bo Wang / West Chester
I went to Joe’s about 5 years ago for a business trip and had stone crabs for the first time. Since then, I order from Joe’s for Christmas since my family doesn’t live in the area; it has become a tradition for us. Now we share Joe’s with our extended family and look forward to the stone crab feast every year. We have tried other delivery stone crabs from elsewhere and nothing compares. Fantastic job, keep it up.
Prior to my mom’s passing, we would order stone crabs for Mother’s Day and her birthday and have them shipped to Pennsylvania. What fun we had, enjoying the delicious stone crabs and all the memories that went with them!
Then, I took my husband to Joe’s during his first trip to Miami a few years ago. We got to the restaurant at opening, saw the wait staff all lined up, and I started to cry at the memory…good tears!
Joe’s is a part of a lot of special moments in my life. It’s an amazing place and a true institution!
Thanks for the memories! 🙂

Jessica Teel / New Oxford, PA
I’m now 54, but when I was 5 years old, my parents took me to Disney for the first time. My mother had been to Joe’s numerous times and wanted to share the experience with my dad & I. So, on the way back to Pennsylvania we made a special stop at Joe’s for dinner. We got there in time to see the wait staff all lined up to welcome us at the door and I just thought that was the coolest thing ever. Then, after we finished our stone crabs, I noticed that the gold Disney ring–my first real gold ring, given to me in honor of our trip to Disney and my 5th birthday–was missing! I started to cry and our server had someone go through the mess of shells that had been cleared from the tables and found it. He brought it to the table and everyone sang happy birthday to me. I still have the ring.
Prior to my mom’s passing, we would order stone crabs for Mother’s Day and her birthday and have them shipped to Pennsylvania. What fun we had, enjoying the delicious stone crabs and all the memories that went with them!
Then, I took my husband to Joe’s during his first trip to Miami a few years ago. We got to the restaurant at opening, saw the wait staff all lined up, and I started to cry at the memory…good tears!
Joe’s is a part of a lot of special moments in my life. It’s an amazing place and a true institution!
Thanks for the memories! 🙂
Patricia Ohlendorf / Chicago
Early in the 1950s my dad took my mom to Joe’s during their honeymoon in Miami. It always was his favorite restaurant.
When they got much older, it was a bit scary for me to have him driving, especially at night whenever they would go celebrate their anniversary or New Year’s Eve. But thanks to Joe’s order direct I could send them Crab to enjoy a meal together without them having to leave the house.
There was one year of 18 though, that I did not send it for New Year’s Eve (I was going to visit a week later and ordered dinner for the four of us then). Mom called, “your father wanted me to call and tell you that he’s disappointed you didn’t send stone crab.” Of course he understood later–he didn’t forgive but he understood!
Dad has been gone now for two years and we lost mom this year too. I just received your email reminder you were open again for the season and it brought tears to my eyes. The memories have been phenomenal and very emotional…thanks Joe! By the way, that was my dad’s name too.
Bob Cayne / Las Vegas
In September of 1985, I took a job in South Florida and experienced Joe’s for the first time. There were three couples with me and as the waiter served the stone crabs family style in the center of the table, the guy who invited me leaned over and gave me some sage advice….”Let the women talk, just eat….”
Now I live in Las Vegas and have been enjoying Joe’s outpost at the Forum Shops since the day it opened. I follow this advice on every visit. #ILOVEJOES
Jennifer Limbasuta / Punta Gorda, FL
Bones was the assistant manager when I would go. He always made me feel like someone special even though I wasn’t; when left I sure felt like it. Thanks Bones.
Sara Simkowitz / Miami Beach
The first time I heard about Joe’s Stone Crab was when I was a little girl. Our housekeeper had a brother who worked for Joe’s when it first opened. Her name was Lillian Curtis. I don’t know her maiden name; I don’t know her brother’s name but it was really cool that we had that connection.
I live in Montana now and have it shipped to me for special occasions. I love those stone crabs.

Matt Lee / Boulder, CO
We had dinner at Joe’s a few years back, with another couple – friends of ours who live in Miami. From the moment we walked in, we were treated like family. We were treated to fantastic service, even better food, and had a memorable evening.
It’s now a tradition, and we try to go to Joe’s whenever we visit.