It’s Art Basel on Miami Beach – this was in the early 2000’s- and prime time on a weekday night. As I scan the dining room, I catch the attention of William Talbert (Chairman of the (GMCVB). From across the room he motions for me to come over and meet his table of guests. I guess he wants to impress them. Bill sees me approach and stands up. As the word “Steve” leaves his lips with all eyes on him, someone causes me to stop in my tracks, derailing my trip to Mr. Talbert. I just stare at her. I turn to Bill and mouth “YOKO ONO.” He had a look on his face like, “what am I, chopped liver?” Yeah, Yoko Ono takes Bill Talbert. I walk over to her table and introduce myself and literally get on one knee next to her and thank her for thinking of Joe’s.

I knew Bill would get over my detour…”

R.I.P. John